Complete ICSA certified antivirus package for small office, home office - SOHO
avast! Professional Edition is a complete ICSA certified antivirus package for small office home office use - SOHO.
Protect your system and valuable data against computer viruses with Avast! Professional Edition.
avast! 4 Professional Edition is a collection of award...
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Am B Em
Aku ingin menjadi mimpi indah dalam tidurmu
Am D G
aku ingin menjadi sesuatu yang mungkin bisa kau rindu
Am B Em
Karena langkah merapuh tanpa dirimu
Am B
Karena hati telah letih
Am B Em
Aku ingin menjadi sesuatu yang selalu bisa kau sentuh
Am D G
Aku ingin kau tahu bahwa ku selalu memujamu
Am B Em
Tanpamu sepinya waktu merantai hati Oh……..
Am B
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Intro : A
Andai ku tahu
Kapan tiba ajalku
Ku akan memohon
Tuhan tolong panjangkan umurku
Andai ku tahu
Kapan tiba masaku
Ku akan memohon
Tuhan jangan kau ambil nyawaku
A Bm
Aku takut akan semua dosa-dosa ku
Aku takut dosa yang terus membayangiku
Intro : A Bm E A
Andai ku tahu
Malaikat-Mu kan menjemputku
Izinkan aku
Mengucap kata taubat pada-Mu
Chorus II:
A Bm
Aku takut akan semua dosa-dosa ku
Aku takut dosa yang terus membayangiku
A Bm
Ampuni aku...
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Publication Type: License
Tabletka: Present
Language: English
Description: New adventure role-playing game - a long-awaited continuation of the saga ?King's Bounty. Legend. In the role of Princess Amelie player will go into the world of Teany, where the heroine to find a famous knight and his mentor, Bill Gilbert.
A new world is full of unknown dangers:...
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Anti-Trojan Elite v4.8.4 Multilingual | 6.03 MB
Anti-Trojan Elite™ (ATE) is a malware remover, it can detect and clean malware in disk or memory. Malware is software designed specifically to damage or disrupt a system, such as a trojan horse, a spyware or a keylogger. ATE contains a Real-Time File Firewall, it monitor system and clean malwares immediately....
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Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010 Final | 64.70 MB
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010 – the backbone of your PC’s security system, offering protection from a range of IT threats. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010 provides the basic tools needed to protect your PC.
Essential Protection
· Protects from viruses, Trojans and worms
· Blocks spyware and adware
· Scans...
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Avira Antivir Virus Definition File Update (01 19 2010) | 27.39 MB
Update AVIRA Desktop for Windows with latest virus definitions and scan engine.
Manual Update of AntiVirPlease go through the following steps to update your AntiVir Personal Edition Classic / Premium on a PC without internet access.Download the latest virus definition file (IVDF)...
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Microsoft Office 2003 (Portable) | 181.6 Mb
Microsoft Office 2003 represents a major upgrade to previous versions of the world's most popular suite of software applications. Office 2003 includes new and familiar products, features, and functionality that can help organizations and their employees connect to coworkers, information, and business processes...
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Wolfenstein (2009) | 550 MB
Wolfenstein [2009] | PC Game | Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person Developer: Raven Software and Endrant Studios | Publisher: Activision | Language: English
Action will take place during the Second World War, but all events invented. Players will play for the agent BJ Blazkowicz OSA. Playing for the agent, you will...
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Dead Before Dawn - A Left 4 Dead Campaign | 2GB
Dead Before Dawn is the work in progress campaign also known as Crossroads Mall.
If this is the first time you have heard of it then you have missed out on a lot. It was originally created for the HL2 Mod: No More Room in Hell. A few weeks ago, I contacted the creator, Darth_Brush, to find out if he...
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James Camerons Avatar The Game-RELOADED (2009-20010)| 3.2GB
James Cameron's Avatar: The Game is the official videogame based on the highly anticipated film James Cameron's Avatar. The videogame will take you deep into the heart of Pandora, an alien planet that is beyond imagination. Gamers will encounter the Na'vi, Pandora's indigenous people and...
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